Product Management

You can add reviews manually to existing products, you should use this if a review has been left on another platform or someone has given you a review in person.

  1. Navigate to reviews
  2. Click Create Review
  3. Fill out the details
  4. Click Create
Field Required Description
Rating Yes The rating can be 1-5, in Beacon these represents stars
Customer Name Yes Set the customers name, usually customers will not want their full name so we suggest using just their first name or company name
Product Yes You can only assign one product to a review, this list includes all child variations as well as their parent products.
Title No The title can be used as a brief description of the review, these are not used often, only on websites that request them.
Body Yes The body is the main review that the customer has left, type this out exactly as the customer has said for 100% legitimacy
Where was this review left? Yes This is used to tell the system where this review was left, for example, a customer may of reviewed the product on Facebook.
When was this review left? Yes This column is used to tell customers when the review was left, rather than the review time being when you add them.