
When you cancel a stores subscription your access will stay until the next payment date. After this date your access to the store will be removed and your store will be marked as disabled.

Your stores data will be retained for 3 months. During this 3 month period you can choose to reactivate your store or request an export of your data. 

The export will be in JSON format and contain:

  • Products
  • Product Images
  • Orders
  • Mailing List Subscribers
  • Customers
  • Reviews
  • Vouchers
  • Contact Requests

If you require more data to be exported you can contact to discuss.

Active Orders

If your store currently has active orders, we recommend that you process these before your end date so your customers can continue receiving the emails. If you cannot fulfil these orders before your access has been disabled, please download the invoice/packing slips and email the customers manually.

Active Subscriptions

If your store has active subscriptions, we send an email out on your behalf informing your customers that their subscriptions have been cancelled once their subscriptions have been cancelled.

You can also opt out of automatically cancelling the subscriptions but this is not recommended as customers will no longer receive invoices or emails when their subscriptions renew from Beacon.