
We recommend that you point your domain to Dearnex's servers before changing your domain in Beacon. 

  1. Navigate to domain settings
  2. Enter your new domain name in the Domain field
  3. Click Save Domain
  4. Click Verify (this might take a couple of seconds)

How to point your domain to Dearnex's servers

  1. Log in to the account that you have with your third-party domain provider.
  2. Find your DNS settings, domain management area, DNS configuration, or similar.
  3. Edit your A record to point to Dearnex's IP address
  4. The domain settings panel might feature drop-downs or editable fields, or you might have to check boxes or edit a table. You need to complete the following steps:
  5. In the Type or Record Type field, enter or choose the @ symbol, or A record.
  6. In the Points to field, Enter Dearnex's IP address as the destination for the A record.
  7. Save the A Record by clicking Save, Save Zone File, Add Record, or similar.
  8. Change your www CNAME record to point to

If you do not feel comfortable doing the above, contact your third-party provider and follow the points below

What to tell your third-party provider

Your third-party domain provider is familiar with the terms related to domains. When you call your provider for support, you can tell them the following information:

  1. You want your A record to point to Dearnex's IP address, which is
  2. You want your CNAME record to point to